Sunday, September 27, 2009

STUDYPATH* September 28-October 2, 2009

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


This week's blog debuts the weekly schedule in narrative form rather than in a day-by-day format.

Monday is an unassigned day and this class resumes on Tuesday with a literary terms test on words 11-20 in Bedford Reader. Students will be provided brief study time in class before this quiz. The Richard Rodriguez essay rewrites are due today; students should staple the new draft on top of the first draft. Their Eyes Were Watching God has been issued to students and they will write twenty-five talking points for each chapter for Friday's class discussion--the chapters due will be announced in class. Bedford Reader's second chapter will be assigned for outlining and a due date set. The Virginia Woolf prompt will be assigned this week for prewriting and the essay will be completed in class with a date to be scheduled. Students are asked to think about the fifteen-page research paper due in the spring and will choose a specific area of focus on the topic of a natural disaster tied to water conservation. Prose passages #2 and #3 will be completed in class with discussions on how to best answer multiple choice questions accurately and with precision. Cornell Notes that have not been completed yet will be finished by week's end. Vocabulary Workshop Unit II answers are due in class on Thursday as is the book. Writers Choice textbook has been assigned and will be due in class on Wednesday for a grammar lesson. Bedford Reader is due now on Mondays and Tuesdays, and the assigned novel is due on successive Fridays. Los Angeles Times newspapers will be distributed on Friday and a letter to the editor assigned with due date to be announced. Check teacher pages frequently for specific homework assignments and due dates to be updated during this week.

Thanks for your dedication and hard work, AP students as we continue to hone the strategies and skills necessary for successfully completing college-level reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar work. As always, we practice for perfection on the AP English Language Composition examination, scheduled in May 2010.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

STUDYPATH* September 21-25, 2009

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


1. Check teacher pages for homework assignments
2. Virginia Woolf's "Death of the Moth"
3. Cornell Notes on Bloom's Taxonomy and Vocabulary Workshop Skills continue
4. Textbook Days: Bedford Reader (Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday); Vocabulary Workshop (Thursday); Literature and Integrated Studies (Thursday-Friday); Language of Composition (as announced)
5. Rodriguez essays returned; rewrites due Monday, September 28
6. Prose passage #1 continued; prose passage #2 introduced

Tuesday (Shortened Day)
1. Bedford Reader due in class for assignment; see teacher pages for specifics
2. Outlining for Bedford Reader (next section pages announced in class) due Tuesday, September 29
3. Virginia Woolf essay in-class timed writing next Monday

1. Bedford Reader due in class
2. Literary terms 11-20 reviewed in class; test Tuesday, September 29
3. Prose passage #2 multiple choice work in class

1. Vocabulary Workshop Unit One answers due today; test on Tuesday
2. Vocabulary Workshop assignment for Unit Two; check teacher pages for specifics
3. Literature and Integrated Studies in class assignment; textbook due in class
4. Meet in library tomorrow for STAR reading level testing

1. In-class essay on Virginia Woolf passage on Monday
2. Weekend homework to be announced
3. Both sections of AP Language meet in library today

Sunday, September 13, 2009

STUDYPATH* September 14-18, 2009

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


1. Check teacher pages for homework assignments
2. Bedford Reader (BR) textbooks distributed; Language of Composition (LofC) textbooks distributed; outline assignment announced
3. Cornell Notes on Bloom's Taxonomy and Vocabulary Workshop Skills continue
4. Textbook Days: Bedford Reader (Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday); Vocabulary Workshop (Thursday); Literature and Integrated Studies (Thursday-Friday); Language of Composition (as announced)
5. AP rubric reviewed in class
6. Prose passage #1 continued

Tuesday (Shortened Day)
1. Bedford Reader due in class for assignment; see teacher pages for specifics
2. Late work policy
3. Richard Rodriguez essay due today; rewrites due date to be announced

1. Bedford Reader due in class
2. Literary terms reviewed in class; test to be scheduled
3. Cornell Notes and class orientation continued

1. Prose passage multiple choice practice continued
2. Vocabulary Workshop assignment; check teacher pages for specifics
3. Literature and Integrated Studies in class assignment; textbook due in class

1. Literature and Integrated Studies in class assignment; textbook due in class
2. Weekend homework to be announced

Friday, September 04, 2009

STUDYPATH* September 9-11, 2009

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.



1. Textbooks assigned Thursday
2. Program cards signed
3. Seating assignment designated
4. Teacher Pages homework assignment


1. Teacher Pages homework assignment
2. Literary terms
3. Class Orientation Day One
4. Textbooks assigned today; first assignment and due date announced

1. Class Orientation Day Two
2. Teacher Pages homework assignment