As an Advanced Placement English classroom learner, you are able to measure your commitment to learning using a five-step scale, which is derived from the original Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning. This scale is termed "affective" since its levels of learning are based on your contributions to the course and the classroom. Measure yourself at the beginning of the semester because you certainly will be asked to state how much you have grown intellectually by semester's end. (1 is lowest-5 is highest)
1. RECEIVING: Willingness to receive classroom activities: awareness, controlled or selected attention--Follow, Reply, Listen, Identify
2. RESPONDING: Active participation on the part of the student which indicates that the student has a desire to be involved in the activity or assignment so seeks it out and gains satisfaction from working with it or engaging in it--Answer, Present, Discuss, Recite, Practice, Select, Tell, Comply
3. VALUING: The student sees worth or value in the activity or assignment related to writing. An important element of this behavior is that it is motivated, not only by the desire to comply or obey, but by the individual's commitment to mastering the skills involved in learning--Complete, Join, Differentiate, Propose, Initiate, Invite, Share
4. PRIORTIZING BY VALUES: Bringing together possibly disparate values, resolving conflicts between them, and beginning to build an internally consistent value system. One sees how attitudes regarding learning relate to values already held in other parts of one's life. This integration of values is less than harmonious--Compare, Organize, Defend, Systemize, Integrate, Modify
5. INTERNALIZING VALUES: The values involved in being a writer have controlled one's behavior for a sufficiently long period of time to have developed a positive identity as a learner. This attitude regarding learning is pervasive, consistent, and predictable--Advocate, Incorporate, Characterize, Influence, Devote, Practice, Encourage
Credit for Bloom's Affective Taxonomy is given to and Marcy Bowman
Next Up: Note Taking, Language Registers, and the Rhetorical Square