Upcoming assignments for AP English Language:
1. Vantage Lab-Room 502: Monday and Tuesday orientation and Frederick Douglass AP Essay Prompt; use resource AP Cliffs for syntax and figurative language definitions; four-page narrative on Douglass autobiography; Rhetorical Square notes and Guide to Rhetorical Analysis handout; essay due at end of session on Tuesday
2. Op/Ed piece Consultative Writing due Monday, October 17: Attach column/article; note name of writer, name of paper/magazine/website and date of piece; no contractions; writers chosen so far include Boot, Scheer, Carlson, Morrison, Dowd, Brooks, Kristoff, and Friedman
3. Bring anthologies on Wednesday and Thursday: "New Republic, Spirit of Independence, and a New Nation" packet includes work on prose of Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson; grammar and vocabulary sections
4. Unit Three Vocabulary Test on Thursday; begin Unit Five Vocabulary on Friday
5. PSAT Test on Wednesday
6. Literary Terms (Cliffs) include next fifteen: didactic-metaphor
7. Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurston: Three exams including final vocabulary, forty-question multiple choice, and essay topics (ten discussion topics of at least one paragraph each); AP Long form due October 17
8. Churchill "Detail" analysis to be assigned as in-class writing
9. Sentence Imitation, Mimicking, and Pivoting are upcoming class activities
10.Agenda Bin: Winter work includes five AP essay prompts, three novels/plays with AP Long Form, and 100 Words High Schools Students Should Know vocabulary; grammar component to be announced (more to come)