1. Cornell Notes-Argument handout collected and graded by end of week
2. Unit Nine Level “F” Vocabulary Test on Monday, April 10
3. Argument essay in class Thursday; from argument handout; do not preview prompt
4. Words 31-40 Words High School Students Should Know “gauche-incontrovertible” Test, Monday, April 10
5. Earthquake Drill-Tuesday, April 11 just after homeroom; one hour on field
6. Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” revisit of story and Monday (4/17) prompt assigned for triads
7.Invisible Man: Chapters Eleven-Fifteen and talking points for class discussion Monday, April 10/Tuesday, April 11; Test Two Reading Comprehension Quiz 4/10
8. Invisible Man AP Long Form (due at end of novel)
9. Cliffs Multiple-Choice practice (pages 219-233) due Monday, April 10
10. Invisible Man Self-Collection Vocabulary (forty words) due Monday, April 10
11. Vocabulary Workshop Review Seven-Nine and BWR, EYC, and WPS due Friday, April 14 (pages 75-80; 150; 157; 164)
12. Plural Nouns/Apostrophes Grammar Mastery Test One Practice due Friday, April 14; Mastery Test Two in class Friday