1. Short Story: F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Babylon Revisited" dialectical journal due today Monday, June 5
2. Units Thirteen-Fourteen Vocabulary Workshop test today, Monday, June 5
3. The Glass Menagerie all portions of handouts completed in class and essay assigned from handout due June 16
4. Complete equipment request for multimedia presentations for Junior Defense of Thesis
5. Words 91-100 (unctuous-ziggurat) One Hundred Words High School Students Should Know Test today, Monday, June 5
6. Research Paper Junior Defense of Thesis presentations to teacher, triads, and class set; deadline for paper Friday, June 9 (make certain you are using the 10 Steps text for formatting, etc).; outlining in class this week; follow all assignments on work matrix; students not presenting will work on the following:
a. finish Glass Menagerie handout-all portions (see #7)
b. write reflective letters to incoming eleventh grade AP English Language students; collate and organize portfolios
c. work on Public Service Announcement text and storyboards (see matrix)
d. use form to provide explication of assigned poems
7. Compare last semester's answers on Glass Menagerie to this semester's questions; any similarities?
8. Vocabulary Workshop Unit Fifteen and Review Thirteen-Fifteen plus BWR, EYV, and WPS due Friday, June 9; page numbers are on work matrix
9. AP English will meet in cafeteria Period One on Wednesday, June 7 for counselors to program 12th grade classes; any oral defense presentations for Wednesday are rescheduled to Friday, June 9