Saturday, September 30, 2006

Assignment Menu Monday, October 2, 2006

Beginning today, Monday, October 2, 2006 my web log introduces a new user-friendly format:

Monday, October 2

1. Bring anthology and vocabulary books to class today and tomorrow.
2. Spirit of Independence Unit begins today, October 2.
3. Bedford Reader outlining continues as homework.
4. Their Eyes Were Watching God talking points/unfamiliar vocabulary due Friday.
5. Lab dates are Wednesday and Thursday; Cliffs textbook is needed.
6. Plymouth-Offer-Sinners multiple choice given in class today.
7. Planners are due in class each day for notes on homework assignments.
8. Colonial Period handout answers are due today, Monday.

Tuesday, October 3

1. Spirit of Independence Unit continues today.
2. Vocabulary Units One-Three Review are due on Friday; test on Monday, October 9.
3. Signed report cards required for SAS students; submit signed reports to teacher.
4. Place all scored classwork and homework in hanging file folders.