1. Meet in Vantage Lab, Room 701 today and Tuesday for Question One from the 2007 AP Exam (Synthesis Question); informational writing rubric overview and prewriting
2. Question Two essay from the 2007 AP Exam essay is due today; late essays will NOT receive a score but a credit instead
3. Abjure-Chicanery "Words High School Students Should Know" scored and returned
4. Bedford Reader textbooks due in class on Wednesday; literary terms continued
5. AP Exam Multiple-Choice practice precedes Question One prewriting/essay
6. Updated marks report available for students
1. Meet in Vantage Lab, Room 701 for Question One essay from the 2007 AP Exam (Synthesis Question)
2. Words 11-20 "Words High School Students Should Know" assigned in class; due Friday and tested Friday; definitions, parts of speech, diacritical markings, and syllables
3. Meet in Room 120 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; Bedford Reader textbook in class
1. Bedford Reader literary terms test on Friday; additional terms reviewed in class
2. Cornell Notes on Bloom's Taxonomy and Bloom's Affective Taxonomy, Levels of Questioning, Language Registers, and SOAPS strategies continue in class; exam to be scheduled
3. Grammar work to be assigned
4. Literature and Integrated Studies textbooks to be assigned
1. Bedford Reader literary terms
2. Literature and Integrated Studies in-class assignment
3. Cornell Notes continued
4. LA Times Op/Ed assignment
1. Weekend homework to be assigned
2. Cornell Notes continued
3. Words 11-20 "Words High School Students Should Know" test in class today
2. Bedford Reader Literary Terms test in class today