In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
Tuesday Shortened Day
1. "Detail" Winston Churchill assignment
2. Answers for Vocabulary Units One-Six due in class today; test to be scheduled
3. Anthologies due in class for "Civil Disobedience" essay by Thoreau
4. Vantage Writing Lab scheduled for tomorrow; prewriting for Gatsby essay due today
5. Op-Ed assignment
6. Oligarchy-Plagiarize Words High School Students Should Know test today
1. Vantage Writing Lab for Gatsby essay (timed essay); Gatsby novels to be turned in at end of class
2. Homework to be announced
1. Op-Ed assignment
2. Units One-Six Cumulative test in class today
3. Their Eyes Were Watching God books distributed in class; assignment to be announced
4. Words 71-80 Words High School Students Should Know assigned in class today
1. Weekend homework to be announced
2. Multiple-Choice practice in class
3. In-class timed essay