Next components of Long Form are due on Friday, April 4 for Period Four, and Friday, April 11 for Period One
POINT OF VIEW (NARRATIVE PERSPECTIVE): Is the novel written from the first person (“I”), second person (“you,” very rare), or third person (he/she)? Is it a reminiscence or recent perspective, written in the present tense or the past tense? If in the first person, is he/she the protagonist or an observer? If in the third, is he/she omniscient (knowing everything), limited omniscient (knowing one character most often) or objective (no subjective commentary by the narrator, but limited omniscient)?
CHARACTER: General comments: Flat/round? Static/dynamic? Believable? How are they revealed? How complex? How many? Protagonist/antagonist? Role of minor characters? Then describe four-six central characters: name, age, three descriptive adjectives, appearance, personality, function in novel, significance of name, a quote that reveals character with an explanation of what the quote reveals.