In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
1. Los Angeles Times letter to the editor due today
2. Cornell Notes (Language Registers and Bloom's Taxonomy) test tomorrow
3. Grammar continued from The Language of Composition
4. Unit Four Vocabulary Workshop due on Thursday; test on Friday
5. Frederick Douglass essay prewriting assigned upon completion of background information and graphic organizer; due Thursday
6. Bedford Reader textbook days are Wednesday and Thursday of each week
Tuesday (Shortened Day)
1. Literary Terms test from Bedford Reader scheduled for Friday; books due in class Wednesdays and Thursdays
2. Words 51-60 (Words High Schools Students Should Know) assigned; test Friday
3. Multiple-Choice practice continues for the Advanced Placement Examination
4. Language Registers and Bloom's Taxonomy test in class
1. Bedford Reader textbooks due in class today; reading assignment to be announced
2. Multiple-Choice practice continues for the Advanced Placement Examination
3. Water Conservation assignment from Water Politics; due Monday
4. Unit Four Vocabulary Workshop answers due in class tomorrow
1. Unit Four Vocabulary Workshop answers due today
2. Bedford Reader textbooks due in class today for writing assignment
3. Grammar continued from The Language of Composition
4. Los Angeles Times consultative writing assignment due on Monday
5. Bedford Reader literary terms test tomorrow
1. Words 51-60 WHSSSK test in class today
2. Water Politics assignment due Monday
3. Unit Four Vocabulary Workshop test today
4. Bedford Reader literary terms test today