In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
1. Bedford Reader assignment due Tuesday
2. Invisible Man Chapters Eleven-Fifteen due Friday for class discussion
3. Units Seven-Nine Vocabulary Workshop due Wednesday; test Thursday
4. Research paper thesis work in class, including Water Politics cases
Tuesday (Shortened Day)
1. Bedford Reader assignment due today
2. Letter to the Editor due today
3. Textbook days: Bedford Reader and Language of Composition Wednesday and Thursday
1. Vocabulary Workshop Units Seven-Nine due today; test tomorrow
2. Bedford Reader and Language of Composition assignments; books due in class; Bedford Reader literary terms
1. Bedford Reader and Language of Composition assignments continue
2. Bedford Reader literary terms
3. Letter to the Editor assigned
1. Invisible Man Chapters Eleven-Fifteen due today for class discussion
2. Bedford Reader literary terms test today
3. Weekend homework to be announced