In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
Vocabulary Workshop Unit IV is due on Thursday in class when textbooks should be presented. Test for this unit is scheduled for Friday.
Grammar from Writer's Choice text (perfect tenses page 585) is due on Wednesday; in lieu of a grammar lesson, students will compose in class their first synthesis essay in preparation for the upcoming Advanced Placement English Language and Composition exam scheduled in May 2010. Sources A-H will be sent home with students early in the week so they may be read for prewriting before the prompt is presented in class on Wednesday.
Part II of Their Eyes Were Watching God film screening is scheduled for Monday in class. Students will complete a multiple choice exam for the book during the week; The Great Gatsby will be assigned either late this week or early next week.
The Bedford Reader text is required in class Tuesday for Judith Ortiz Cofer's "Silent Dancing" nonfiction selection. Students were assigned six questions from the Reader to be completed in advance of the class. Literary terms will also be covered and a test scheduled for the next ten terms.
Work on the research paper begins with topic, thesis statement and five guiding questions on water conservation and natural disaster Junior Defense of Thesis presentations.