In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
Language of Composition and Bedford Reader are both due in class next Monday, March 8 for assigned work. The literary terms test will be Friday morning; on Thursday of this week students should bring definitions completed on paper for review before the test.
Invisible Man Chapters 21-25 and the epilogue Dialectical Journal entries are due on Tuesday, with class discussion scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday in class. The motif essay for the novel is available at beginning March 2 and closes March 9.
Water Case Seven test is due today, Monday. The activity is scheduled for Thursday in class, when Water Case Eight will be distributed.
Research paper skills continue on Friday when Writer's Choice textbook will be required in class. The topic, theme and focus for the research essay will be announced after the Water Forum meeting with MWD representatives on March 3.
Period Three letter to the editor is due on Thursday in class.
Multiple choice practice for the AP English Language examination is scheduled for Wednesday. Essay preparation week (essays on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; multiple choice on Tuesday and Thursday) is tentatively scheduled April 5-9, 2010, the week after spring break.
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Nine test is scheduled Tuesday before the class discussion.
Daum Bedford Reader questions 1. and 2. Meaning; 2. 3. 4. Writing Strategies; 3. Language are due Monday, March 1.