In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
Students are encouraged to access research source list on teacher pages to begin research paper draft. The agenda bin for this week includes a working outline, recast thesis statement and Writer's Choice assignments due Monday, April 12; specifics follow.
A preliminary working outline of the research paper is due today. Use your Writer's Choice textbook to examine a sample outline, particularly noting outline format rules. Do NOT mix phrases and sentences; outlines are either all phrases or all sentences. The abstract and your own research of the Bay-Delta and the assigned city should provide enough information for this assignment.
Writer's Choice is due in class Tuesday and Wednesday for additional assignments related to your research, including the recast of your thesis statement, which is also due as a separate assignment on Monday. Do not include the thesis statement with the outline since they must be two separate documents.
Literary terms from Bedford Reader and Language of Composition will be reviewed in class in preparation for the upcoming AP exam. Bring all copies of completed literary terms tests beginning Thursday for review.
Students will write a reflection of AP Examination Preparation-Week One on Monday. This reflection will be used to determine the effectiveness of essay snd multiple choice skills. The detailed answer key for the multiple choice from last week will be provided to students so they may determine scores and justifications for correct answers.
Assigned reading from Bedford Reader and Language of Composition will be assigned during the week.
Vocabulary Workshop assigned work will be discussed in class with due date set.