In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
Monday, May 31 is a legal holiday, Memorial Day. Classes are not in session.
Water Case Nine will be debated in class Tuesday, June 1, a shortened day. Students chosen to present at Metropolitan Water District of Southern California June 9 field trip will re-present their Defense of Thesis to students either this week or next. Field trip forms are required and if students do not submit them by Thursday they will not attend the trip. Appropriate attire is required; students should dress as if they are interviewing for a job.
Unit Twelve Vocabulary Workshop is due on Tuesday, June 1; test will be scheduled later in the week.
The Bedford Reader, Writer's Choice, and Language of Composition texts should be brought back; these texts are being returned to the textbook room.
Water Case Nine unit test will be assigned in class. Water Case Ten will be assigned as homework.
The precis assignment for the research paper is due June 4.