In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
Wishing AP students the best as they begin a regimen of two weeks of AP exams!
AP Exam Prep Week Two begins for this course with an in-class essay scheduled today.
AP English Language students who wish to complete the full practice examination pick up packets this week; set aside three hours and fifteen minutes for Sunday, May 8 and choose a non-intrusive environment to observe discipline for practice completion--score multiple choice using the key provided and return essays for teacher scoring by Tuesday, May 10, the day before the actual exam is administered.
Students change flashcards for additional study of literary terms and rhetorical strategy and device concepts.
USA Today letter to the editor assignment is due tomorrow, May 3.
Working outline is fleshed out and due today; works cited listed and opening paragraphs of research paper are due by end of the week; research paper date certain due date is Tuesday, May 24 by 11:59 P.M.
Tuesday (Shortened Day)
AP Exam Prep Week Two continues with a thirty-minute component of multiple choice practice.
Guest speaker questions are finalized and e-mailed to guest speaker.
AP Exam Prep Week Two continues with an in-class essay scheduled for today.
Tone responses are due today.
Guest speak from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is scheduled for today; AP Exam Prep Week Two continues tomorrow and Monday.
USA Today letter to the editor is assigned and due Monday.
AP Exam Prep Week continues with a practice thirty-minute multiple choice component.
REMINDER: Pick up full exam practice exam packets today for at-home administration.
Literary terms are scheduled for Tuesday in class, as a last-minute study strategy session before the AP English Language examination.
Students will meet in the library on Thursday and Friday, May 12 and May 13 for additional research on the abstract/prompt for the May 24th research paper.