In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
*Use this link to access Douglass material:
*"What the Black Man Wants" and Frederick Douglass biography assigned in preparation for Thursday in-class essay
*Units One-Three Vocabulary Workshop responses (pages 42-50) are due today; test date will be announced
*Writer's Choice textbook and assigned grammar activities (pages 539-exercises 4-5 and exercise 10) are due Wednesday
*Lincoln essays and Cofer responses are returned to students
*Bedford Reader is due in class today and tomorrow for assigned text
*"Homeless" by Anna Quindlen is due Tuesday (pages 200-203-meaning 1, 2; writing strategies 2, 3; language 2)
*Literary terms test is scheduled for tomorrow
*Literary terms test scheduled for today has been postponed until Friday before the class discussion
*Quindlen responses are due today
*"What AP Readers Long to See" handout is discussed
*Prose passage #7 multiple choice practice
*Writer's Choice textbook is due in class today; postponed to next week because of PSAT)
*5 Steps to a Five textbook activities are scheduled for today
*Water Case One is assigned and due Monday (postponed to next week because of PSAT)
Summer multiple choice answers are discussed in groups
*In-class timed writing assignment-Frederick Douglass essay
*Their Eyes Were Watching God Chapters Eleven-Fifteen talking points (three per chapter connected to literary devices) are due for class discussion
*Units One-Three Vocabulary Workshop test is scheduled for today before class discussion
Weekend homework will be announced
Literary terms test rescheduled from Tuesday is scheduled today
Agenda Bin:
Reading level measured
Compare satire and non-satire piece by Swift
Outline Bedford Chapter One
Voice lessons: Diction, Tone, and Syntax