In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
Bedford Reader: "The Crisis of National Identity" Samuel Huntington piece responses due Tuesday; Meaning 1, 2; Language 1, 2; Writing Strategies 1
Bedford Reader is due in class today for next set of literary terms
Five Steps to a Five in-class assignment
Literary terms test 31-40 is scheduled in class today
USA Today letter to the editor is due today
Bedford Reader is due in class for Huntington responses class discussion
Bedford Reader Chapter Two outline is assigned and due Monday, December 5; outline the following pages 31-40; do not outline 41-end of chapter essay has been assigned (2010 AP Exam Question Two) and is due Monday, November 14
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Four responses are due Monday, November 14; test date to be scheduled
Prose passage multiple choice practice is scheduled for today
Writer's Choice grammar assignment is due today; books are required in class; assignment is page 546, Exercise 11 1-10 and Exercise 12 1-5
USA Today letter to the editor assigned and due Monday
The Great Gatsby Chapters One-Five talking points (three per chapter connected to literary devices) are due today for class discussion
Today is a legal holiday, Veterans Day, and classes are not in session.