The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
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AP Opening Days Bulletin due today
Bedford Reader must be brought to class today and tomorrow for reading and writing assignment for Periods One and Three; due in class Wednesday for Period Six; "The Lottery" responses due tomorrow for Periods One and Three and Wednesday for Period Six for class discussion
Rodriguez prompt opening paragraph due Tuesday for Periods One and Three; due Wednesday for Period Six; forty-minute in-class timed writing is scheduled Thursday
AP English Language Opening Days Bulletin signed due today (on Box)Words High School Students Should Know (WHSSSK) 1-10 due today
- WHSSSK components: definition, diacritical marking, syllable divide, part of speech
AP syllabus overview (syllabus on Box) and course orientation components (continued):
- Logical fallacies
- Argument structures
- Multiple choice passages, stems and distractors
- Useful literary terms and rhetorical devices
- Useful vocabulary and diction
- Fiction and universal themes
- Syntax and sentence types
- Synthesis and sources, analysis and argument prose responses
- Style (tone, diction and syntax) prose responses
- Outlining style and format
- Response to columnist analysis
- Research and oral defense of thesis
Synthesis paper and sources distributed; paper due next Tuesday morning by 8:30 A.M. on turnitin.com web site
AP syllabus overview and course orientation components (continued from Monday)
Multiple choice prose passage, stems, and distractors practice; "Death of the Moth" Virginia Woolf
Journal: Introduction to the Types of Sentences in Advanced Placement prose assignment
- Simple
- Compound
- Complex
- Compound-Complex
- Periodic
- Cumulative (Loose)
- Balanced
- Interrupted
Period One does not meet today
Rodriguez prompt in-class timed writing
Synthesis Paper One due on turnitin.com web site by 8:30 A.M. on Monday, August 26; prompt and sources will be distributed in class
Journal: Introduction to Advanced Placement Literary terms and rhetorical devices
Synthesis paper due on turnitin.com web site Tuesday morning by 8:30 A.M.
Virginia Woolf "Moments of Being" prompt distributed to students; prewriting due Tuesday
Bedford Reader is due in class Monday and Tuesday
Check STUDYPATH for next week's assignments and class information