In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
Monday Feb. 9
Nuclear Power: Friend or Foe introduction to Grade 11 Performance Task
Task overview and classroom activity: Using Visual Stimuli
CCSS/Standard(s): RLiteracy-7 and WLiteracy-8-9
WHSSSK 91-100 responses are due today; test is scheduled tomorrow
Language of Composition grammar assignment (Page 593 1-15 Exercise One) is due today
Tuesday Feb. 10
Nuclear Power-Friend or Foe
Internet sources: Both sides of the nuclear debate
"Professions for Women" Woolf responses are due by 8:30 A.M. on web site (Discussion 1, 6 and Rhetoric 1, 3 and 5)
WHSSSK 91-100 test is scheduled
Wednesday Feb. 11
Full length argumentative report based on student notes (contextualize examination of stimuli)
Thursday Feb. 12
Responses to constructed response research questions: Write full persuasive pieces/arguments about topics or texts attending to a purpose and audience
Friday Feb. 13
Dialectical journals for Invisible Man Chapters 21-25 and Epilogue are due today; class discussion is postponed to next week after interim assessment and Grade 11 Performance Task
Responses to constructed response research questions: Analyze and integrate information and evaluate information sources using evidence
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for next week's assignments and class information