In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
Monday April 17
Meet in the Hollywood High School Library Monday-Friday and submit completed assignments listed below; all documents should be printed as separate pages for editing, revising and scoring
1. Thumbnails (Four for AP) with captions and credits
2. Cover Page draft
3. Works Cited draft: two books, five internet, one media (TV, Radio, Film); one newspaper; one magazine
4. Block Quotes (Two) properly formatted
5. Embedded Citations (one for every two paragraphs)(five embedded citations)
6. Thesis statement
7. Transitions words list
8. Active verbs list (evaluates, concludes, establishes, interprets, proposes, argues)
9. Type Face/Type Size: Arial 12 point type
10. Outline (all phrases or all sentences-no mixing or matching; no standards, no pagination)
PROMPT has been uploaded to Box (see right of this page>>>>>)
AP EXAM PREP: Argument Paper Number One (homework) assigned and due Wednesday in class
Tuesday April 18
Research and discovery continue in the library
Wednesday April 19
Research and discovery continue in the library
AP EXAM PREP: Argument Paper Number Two (homework) assigned and due Friday)(POSTPONED to next week in class timed writing)
Thursday April 20
Research and discovery continue in the library
Friday April 21
Research and discovery continue in the library
Research document must be submitted in PDF form on web site by 8:30 A.M. on Tuesday, May 2
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for next week's assignments and class information
AP Exam Preparation Week is scheduled the first week in May