In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
Monday September 4
Today is Labor Day, a legal federal holiday, and classes are not in session
Tuesday September 5 (Shortened Day Schedule)
The Great Gatsby dialectical journals (three) are due in class today (hard copy); class discussion is scheduled for Friday
Multiple choice practice from Five Steps to a Five continues in class in preparation for the AP Language examination
Timed writing prompt is distributed in class for discussion and analysis
Anna Quindlen's "Homeless" Bedford Reader assignment is due in class (M 1,2 WS 2, 3 and L 2); textbooks are required in class
Review assignments for Enriched Vocabulary assignments One-Five are returned to students for test scheduled Friday
Syntax assignments continue this week in class
Outlining assignments in Five Steps to a Five are scheduled in class this week
Wednesday September 6
Language of Composition grammar assignment (Pages 167-170 Activity One-Appositives) is due in class today; textbooks are required in class and late work will earn late fail points
Thursday September 7
Timed writing is scheduled in class
Friday September 8
Enriched Vocabulary assignments One-Five review test is scheduled in class (postponed to Monday)
The Great Gatsby class discussion for Chapters One-Three is scheduled; dialectical journals and novels are required in class
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for next week's assignments and class information
College Board account verification
Satire paper is to be scheduled and due date set
Logic of a Columnist assignment #2 to be scheduled