The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
Monday April 16
Meet in Hollywood High School Library for research planning of format and content
Works cited draft is due in library today (hard copy)
WORKING PROMPT for Hollywood High School Tribute to Alumni:
In a research document of six-seven pages, present a well-developed analysis and description of a Hollywood High School alumnus by examining the personal life, the professional career accomplishments and the legacy achieved to meet the school's mantra to achieve the honorable.WORKS CITED: Due April 16 (Min: 7 Max 10) Books (2) Periodicals (1) Media (3) Internet (4)
Tuesday April 17
Meet in Hollywood High School Library for research planning of sources and documentation
Logic of a Columnist #12 due on turnitin.com web site by 8:30 A.M.
Wednesday April 18
Meet in Hollywood High School Library for research draft composition
Thursday April 19
Meet in Hollywood High School Library for research draft composition
Friday April 20
Meet in Hollywood High School Library for research final draft composition and submission to turnitin.com web site by 8:30 A.M. April 27
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for next week'a assignments and class information
Preparation for the upcoming AP Examination