In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
Monday May 28
Today is Memorial Day, a legal federal holiday, and classes are not in session
Tuesday May 29
Tributes to Hollywood High School icons, attendees and graduates revising of power points continues in class all week; final power points to be shared with instructor on Friday
Wednesday May 30
Tributes to Hollywood High School icons, attendees and graduates revising of power points continues in class all week
Thursday May 31
Tributes to Hollywood High School icons, attendees and graduates revising of power points continues in class all week
Friday June 1
Literary terms test 71-80 (style-understatement) is scheduled in class
Final power points to be shared with instructor today
Language and Composition textbooks are returned to textbook room
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for next week's assignments and class information