Sunday, October 28, 2007

October 29-November 2, 2007

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.

REMINDER: If students feel essay rewrite scores should be higher, they must write a request, using the specific language of the generic (or tailored) rubric, to justify why the essay should be re-read and re-scored.

1. Meet in Hollywood High School Library for STAR Reading Level testing; anthologies and Great Gatsby novels are due in class today
2. Unit Six Vocabulary Level F answers are due today; test Tuesday
3. Thursday, November 1 is a Minimum Day for PHBAO Night in Cafeteria
4. Grammar continues all week in class
5. Los Angeles Times op-ed assignment in class today; due Thursday
6. Words High School Students Should Know test in class today

1. Anthologies due in class today for Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau selections
2. Unit Six Vocabulary Level F test today in class
3. In-class timed writing essay on Thursday (Periods One-Four)
4. Units One-Six Cumulative Level F Vocabulary answers are due in class Monday, November 5
5. The Great Gatsby Chapter Nine talking points (ten per chapter) are due on Friday in class for discussion
6. Bedford Reader due in class on Thursday and Friday; next set of ten terms assigned; test to be scheduled

1. Great Gatsby class discussion on Friday
2. Grammar assignments continue all week in class
3. Prose Passages Seven and Eight for multiple-choice practice
4. Timed writing essay in class tomorrow (Thursday)
5. Vocabulary Workshop books due in class; Units One-Six reviewed and answers due Monday

Thursday (Minimum Day)
1. Minimum Day (PHBAO Night); invite parents to cafeteria tonight to receive midterm progress report grade
2. Timed essay in class
3. SOAPS handout issued
4. Bedford Reader due in class; next set of terms reviewed
5. Op-Ed assignment due in class today

1. Bedford Reader due in class; next ten terms reviewed; test scheduled
2. Activity Two: Sentence Mimicking due Monday
3. Chapter Nine talking points due in class today; Great Gatsby discussion nearly all period

Sunday, October 21, 2007

October 22-26, 2007

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.

REMINDER: If students feel essay rewrite scores should be higher, they must write a request, using the specific language of the generic (or tailored) rubric, to justify why the essay should be re-read and re-scored.


1. Op-Ed is due today, Monday (Period Four Op-Ed was Jane Harman piece)
2. Unit Five Vocabulary Level F answers due today; test on Thursday
3. "American Crisis/Speech in the Virginia Convention" nonfiction selection test
4. Portfolio checklist issued for midterm portfolio organization
5. Unit Six Vocabulary due Monday, October 29
6. Prose passage multiple-choice practice in class
7. Grammar-Linking Verbs and Adjectives
8. Words High School Students Should Know test today in class
9. In-class essay scheduled for Thursday
10.The Great Gatsby talking points for Chapters 7/8 due on Friday
11.Thomas Jefferson and the "Declaration of Independence" anthology selection today
12.SOAPS handout issue in class



1. Op-Ed is due today, Wednesday (Period One Op-Ed was LA Times editorial piece)
2. Unit Five Vocabulary Level F answers due today; test on Thursday
3. "American Crisis/Speech in the Virginia Convention" nonfiction selection test
4. Portfolio checklist issued for midterm portfolio organization
5. Unit Six Vocabulary due Monday, October 29
6. Prose passage multiple-choice practice in class
7. Grammar-Linking Verbs and Adjectives
8. Words High School Students Should Know test today in class
9. In-class essay scheduled for Thursday
10.The Great Gatsby talking points for Chapters 7/8 due on Friday
11.Thomas Jefferson and the "Declaration of Independence" anthology selection today
12.SOAPS handout issue in class


1. Unit Five Vocabulary test in class today
2. Great Gatsby Chapters 7/8 talking points due in class tomorrow, Thursday
3. In-class timed writing AP essay
4. Bedford Reader due in class today; literary terms assigned


1. Great Gatsby class discussion on Chapters 7/8 of the novel
2. Unit Six Vocabulary due in class on Monday
3. Check web log on Sunday evening for additional assignments/updates

Sunday, October 14, 2007

October 15-19, 2007

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


1. Woolf syntax assignment due today
2. Anthologies and Great Gatsby due in class today
3. Great Gatsby discussion
4. Paine and Henry class discussion, including persuasive rhetorical devices and persuasion academic vocabulary
5. Next set of ten Words High School Students Should Know assigned
6. Unit Four Vocabulary due today; test Tuesday


1. Anthologies due in class today; Paine and Henry class discussion continued
2. Benjamin Franklin "tone" timed essay in class tomorrow, Wednesday
3. Unit Four Vocabulary test in class today
4. Grammar assignment

1. Benjamin Franklin "tone" timed essay in class; use Cornell Notes for syntactical variety
2. Vocabulary book due in class today for assignment
3. Prose passages multiple-choice practice continue this week

1. Prose passage multiple-choice practice
2. Bedford Reader due in class today; literary terms continued and argument assignment
3. SOAPS handout assigned
4. Great Gatsby Chapters 5-6 assigned; ten talking points per chapter due tomorrow

1. Great Gatsby Chapters 5-6 class discussion
3. Grammar homework
4. Test on Words High School Students Should Know
5. Bedford Reader Literary Terms Test

Sunday, October 07, 2007

October 8-12, 2007

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.

REMINDER: If students feel essay rewrite scores should be higher, they must write a request, using the specific language of the generic (or tailored) rubric, to justify why the essay should be re-read and re-scored.

1. Anthologies due in class; Franklin Selection Test and "tone" essay scheduled either as in-class essay or homework; Introduction to Thomas Paine's "American Crisis" and Patrick Henry's "Speech in the Virginia Convention"
2. Words High School Students Should Know gauche-incontrovertible matching quiz; next ten words introduced
3. Units One-Three Cumulative Level "F" Vocabulary answers are due in class today; test on Tuesday
4. Grammar: Pronouns
5. The Great Gatsby Chapter Two-Four talking points (ten per chapter) are due on Friday in class for discussion
6. Wednesday Vantage Lab prompt issued; prewriting due on Tuesday; reading assignment from Bedford Reader due on Wednesday in Vantage Lab

Tuesday (Shortened Day)
1. Substitute will administer the Units One-Three Cumulative Level "F" Vocabulary Test (I am attending a one-day Periodic Assessment Training in Glendale)
2. Prose Passage Multiple Choice Practice #4 (Period Four); Passage #5 (Period One)
3. Anthologies due in class for reading assignment
4. Los Angeles Times Rodriguez Op/Ed assignment due today


1. Vantage Lab for argument essay
2. Unit Four Level "F" Vocabulary introduced and due on Monday; vocabulary books required in class
3. Period One: Cornell Notes on sentences and sentence assignment homework


1. Woolf "syntax" assignment due on Friday in class
2. Op/Ed assigned from Los Angeles Times; due on Monday
3. SOAPS strategies handout provided in class
4. Franklin "tone" essay either in class or as homework
5. Bedford Reader due in class; next ten terms reviewed

1. Bedford Reader due in class; next ten terms assigned
2. Activity Two: Sentence Mimicking
3. AP Language prose passage multiple-choice and/or essay in class textbook assignment