In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
REMINDER: If students feel essay rewrite scores should be higher, they must write a request, using the specific language of the generic (or tailored) rubric, to justify why the essay should be re-read and re-scored.
1. Anthologies due in class; Franklin Selection Test and "tone" essay scheduled either as in-class essay or homework; Introduction to Thomas Paine's "American Crisis" and Patrick Henry's "Speech in the Virginia Convention"
2. Words High School Students Should Know gauche-incontrovertible matching quiz; next ten words introduced
3. Units One-Three Cumulative Level "F" Vocabulary answers are due in class today; test on Tuesday
4. Grammar: Pronouns
5. The Great Gatsby Chapter Two-Four talking points (ten per chapter) are due on Friday in class for discussion
6. Wednesday Vantage Lab prompt issued; prewriting due on Tuesday; reading assignment from Bedford Reader due on Wednesday in Vantage Lab
Tuesday (Shortened Day)
1. Substitute will administer the Units One-Three Cumulative Level "F" Vocabulary Test (I am attending a one-day Periodic Assessment Training in Glendale)
2. Prose Passage Multiple Choice Practice #4 (Period Four); Passage #5 (Period One)
3. Anthologies due in class for reading assignment
4. Los Angeles Times Rodriguez Op/Ed assignment due today
1. Vantage Lab for argument essay
2. Unit Four Level "F" Vocabulary introduced and due on Monday; vocabulary books required in class
3. Period One: Cornell Notes on sentences and sentence assignment homework
1. Woolf "syntax" assignment due on Friday in class
2. Op/Ed assigned from Los Angeles Times; due on Monday
3. SOAPS strategies handout provided in class
4. Franklin "tone" essay either in class or as homework
5. Bedford Reader due in class; next ten terms reviewed
1. Bedford Reader due in class; next ten terms assigned
2. Activity Two: Sentence Mimicking
3. AP Language prose passage multiple-choice and/or essay in class textbook assignment