Sunday, October 14, 2007

October 15-19, 2007

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


1. Woolf syntax assignment due today
2. Anthologies and Great Gatsby due in class today
3. Great Gatsby discussion
4. Paine and Henry class discussion, including persuasive rhetorical devices and persuasion academic vocabulary
5. Next set of ten Words High School Students Should Know assigned
6. Unit Four Vocabulary due today; test Tuesday


1. Anthologies due in class today; Paine and Henry class discussion continued
2. Benjamin Franklin "tone" timed essay in class tomorrow, Wednesday
3. Unit Four Vocabulary test in class today
4. Grammar assignment

1. Benjamin Franklin "tone" timed essay in class; use Cornell Notes for syntactical variety
2. Vocabulary book due in class today for assignment
3. Prose passages multiple-choice practice continue this week

1. Prose passage multiple-choice practice
2. Bedford Reader due in class today; literary terms continued and argument assignment
3. SOAPS handout assigned
4. Great Gatsby Chapters 5-6 assigned; ten talking points per chapter due tomorrow

1. Great Gatsby Chapters 5-6 class discussion
3. Grammar homework
4. Test on Words High School Students Should Know
5. Bedford Reader Literary Terms Test