In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
1. Water Politics Case Four in class
2. Letter to the Editor due
3. Topic and Thesis Statement for Research Paper due tomorrow
4. Words 91-100 (Words High School Students Should Know) due Thursday; test on Friday
5. AP Vocabulary continued
Tuesday (Shortened Day)
1. Multiple-Choice Practice for the AP Exam
2. Water Politics Case Four continues
3. Language of Composition and Bedford Reader due in class Wednesday and Thursday
4. Topic and Thesis Statement for Research Paper due today; precis introduced
5. Language of Composition outline due today
1. Language of Composition and Bedford Reader textbooks both due in class today
2. Multiple Choice practice for the AP Exam
1. Language of Composition and Bedford Reader textbooks due in class today
2. Words 91-100 due today; test tomorrow
1. Words 91-100 (Words High School Students Should Know) test today
2. Winter Break December 20-January 11