In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
1. Vocabulary Workshop Unit Seven due Friday; test on Monday
2. Textbook Days: Vocabulary Workshop Friday; Bedford Reader: Wednesday, Thursday; Language of Composition: Wednesday, Thursday; Invisible Man: Friday
3. Invisible Man Introduction, Prologue and Chapters One-Five due Friday, including five talking points per chapter for class discussion
4. Water Politics cases resume; assignment to be announced in class
5. Multiple-Choice practice for the AP Examination
6. Language of Composition outline due Thursday; pages to be announced in class
Tuesday (Shortened Day)
1. Multiple-Choice Practice for the AP Exam
2. Water Politics Case Four continues
3. Language of Composition and Bedford Reader due in class Wednesday and Thursday
4. Topic and Thesis Statement for Research Paper reviewed in class before research paper assignments (outline, precis, works cited, first draft) due dates are set
1. Language of Composition and Bedford Reader textbooks both due in class today
2. Multiple Choice practice for the AP Exam
3. Grammar assignment from Language of Composition
4. Bedford Reader literary terms and AP vocabulary in class
1. Language of Composition and Bedford Reader textbooks due in class today
2. Outlining Language of Composition due today
3. Bedford Reader next selection class discussion, literary terms and AP vocabulary continues in class
1. Invisible Man Introduction, Prologue, and Chapters One-Five talking points due today for class discussion on Monday
2. Weekend homework to be announced