In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
1. Final preparation for AP English Language Examination
2. AP English breakfast in cafeteria 7:00 A.M. Wednesday
3. Literary terms completed in class
4. Tone assignment completed
5. Unit Fourteen Vocabulary test postponed
6. Thank you card for guest speaker Friday
1. Day before tips for the AP English Language Examination
2. Water Case Nine assigned; due on Thursday
1. AP English Language Examination 8:00 A.M. in small gym
2. AP English breakfast in cafeteria 7:00 A.M.
3. Water Case Nine due tomorrow
1. Water Case Nine in class in preparation for MWD debate on June 1
2. Preparation for the Metropolitan Water District field trip begins today
3. Water Case Nine debate participants chosen
4. Rehearsals for Junior Defense of Thesis presenters; power points finalized
1. Water Case Nine debate preparation continues
2. Rehearsals for Junior Defense of Thesis presenters
3. Final drafts for research papers due next week