Students enrolled in Mr. Carmicle's AP English Language and Composition class are expected to complete the following assignments by the first day of school. The late work policy for this class states:
"Summer assignments that are not submitted by due date will be scored as “0,” which may negatively affect a student’s overall course score and earned class grade point average. Assignments that are completed and submitted late will receive only a “credit,” and not earn a letter grade; in this case a student must complete the work to avoid receiving a “0” but will still earn no letter grade for work that was completed. It is in the student’s best interest to meet deadlines and submit work of the highest quality by due dates."
Access, click students, click AP, click courses/exams, and download the course description for AP English Language.
Take the multiple choice test recording handwritten answers on lined paper or typed responses on copy paper. Check your answers with the key at the end of the sample multiple choice exam. For each question, record a detailed answer of at least a sentence or two about why the answer is correct.
Answer three of the seven free-response questions in essay form. Of the three choices, a synthesis question must be included.
Questions can be addressed by e-mailing me at or by using the school's website link for teacher communication.