Sunday, January 22, 2017

STUDYPATH* January 23-27, 2017

In-class assignment and class updates trump published blogs.


The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up

Monday January 23
Water Case Seven is due in class; return unit test and the handouts
Water Case Eight assigned and due Friday in class
Words High School Students Should Know (81-90) (soliloquy-totalitarian) WHSSSK assignment due Wednesday; test is scheduled Friday
Bedford Reader textbook is required in class for "Everyday Use" Alice Walker short story piece; responses are due tomorrow (M3, WS 1, 2 L 1); "Everyday Use" multiple choice comprehension quiz is scheduled in class tomorrow
Glossary terms 41-50 (irony-oxymoron) are scheduled in class; test is scheduled Wednesday
UCLA and USC library cards are due Friday, February 3; students should present card in class for credit since university library cards are required for research paper due in early May
Synthesis paper  (polling election results) sources distributed in class for Thursday timed writing

Tuesday January 24 Shortened Day Schedule
Bedford Reader is required in class for "Everyday Use" responses
Multiple choie "Everyday Use" comprehension quiz is scheduled in class
Imagery (Bishop)-Detail (Salinger) assigned and due tomorrow

Wednesday January 25
Glossary terms 41-50 test is scheduled in class (irony-oxymoron)
Multiple choice practice from Five Steps to a Five is scheduled in class
Imagery (Bishop)-Detail (Salinger) assignment due today

Thursday January 26
Weekly timed writing is scheduled (synthesis paper polling election results)
Logic of a Columnist #7 response is due by 8:30 A.M. on web site
Students interested in enrolling in AP English Literature should attend AP Blitz at lunch in Room 420 for presentations by AP Literature teachers Ms. Tobenkin, Mr. Auriemmo and Ms. Bridges

Friday January 27
Orwell's "Shooting an Elephant" classwork continues; multiple choice responses due; responses for Understanding, Interpreting and Analyzing Language, Style and Structure due in class; responses for vocabulary, meaning in context, effect of the word and how author's word choice contributes to the meaning and tone of the sentence (handout distributed Friday, January 20) are due in class
Language of Composition textbooks are required in class for completing "Shooting an Elephant" selection and grammar assignment (Page 252) Short Simple Sentences and Fragments due Monday
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for next week's assignments and class information
Water Case Eight unit responses and handouts are due in class today
Words High School Students Should Know (WHSSSK) Words 91-100 are due Monday; complete definitions, parts of speech, diacritical markings and syllabications

Library dates scheduled for Water Conservation research paper are April 17-21; students meet each day in the Hollywood High School library for research, formatting, and other paper requirements
Access the 2016-2017 College Board bulletin for students for exam dates and examination procedures and protocols at the following link:
2016-2017 College Board Bulletin