Monday, November 21, 2005

Weeks In Preview November 21-December 2

AP Students have been working on and will be assigned the following:

1. Walden similies and sentence mimicking examples
2. Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, and Emerson/Thoreau American Romanticism selections and graphic organizers/vocabulary/grammar components
3. Practice Test Multiple Choice Exams from Cliff AP Preparation Guide
4. Literary Terms 31-45 from Cliffs Preparation Guide
5. The Great Gatsby Chapters Three-Four-Five
6. Coordination and Subordination-Relationship Between Ideas in a Sentence handout
7. Start The Great Gatsby short form for early analysis in completion of AP Long Form (due third week in December)
8. Unit Six Vocabulary and Unit Seven Vocabulary practice and examinations
9. Grammar Unit (begins after Thanksgiving)
10.Grammar Unit-Clauses, Sentences, and Fragments practice
11.What is Argument? Introduction to the Argumentative Essay and Argument Comprehensive Review (begins after Thanksgiving)

posted by J. B. Carmicle @ 3:53 AM