1. Short Story: "Big Black Good Man" Richard Wright dialectical journal due Monday, May 29; F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Babylon Revisited" dialectical journal due Monday, June 5; poetry assignments announced soon will involve explication of poems (TBA)
2. All School Fair on Friday, May 26 (Shortened Day Schedule) Period Six teacher will escort you to Fair
3. The Glass Menagerie (1234 SSS Textbook) Part Two (Scenes 6-7) to be read in class week of May 22-26; handouts to be completed as play is read in class; some class time will be provided
4. NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED AFTER FRIDAY, MAY 19; assignments will be marked “L” to denote that they will not be counted
5. Words 81-90 One Hundred Words High School Students Should Know Test Monday, 5/29/06
6. Research Paper Thesis in Writing due on Friday, May 26; begin research immediately; NOTICE: Field Trip to MWD on Wednesday, June 14, 2006; student ID with photo or California Driver License Photo ID is mandatory; Junior Defense of Thesis practice sessions 1) teacher 2) triads 3) class; notecards on 3x5 or 4x6 index cards mandatory for oral presentations; visual aids (print media or multimedia computer software to augment oral defense is preferred)
7. Reflective letters to tenth graders due soon; collate and organize all assignments in portfolio folders
8. Water Cases Six-Seven-Eight-Nine-Ten and quizzes due Monday, May 29, 2006
9. Return Invisible Man novels to classroom for check in to textbook room
10.Clauses and Sentences; Paragraphs (grammar handouts) Mastery Tests One completed by Friday, May 26; Mastery Test Two will be completed in class on Friday, May 26