Sunday, November 12, 2006

Assignment Menu Monday, November 13, 2006

Assignments for Monday-Tuesday, November 13-14, 2006

1. TEWWG AP Long Form due Monday, November 20; no exceptions

2. Unit Five Vocabulary Level "F" answers due in class Monday (13)

3. Graphic organizers for Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman completed in class Monday and Tuesday (13-14)

4. The Great Gatsby; read Chapters 1-5 by Friday; complete ten talking points and unfamiliar vocabulary

5. Bedford Terms 11-20 test on Wednesday (15); study terms

6. Words High School Students Should Know; new test on Wednesday (15); see list of words on chart paper; definitions, parts of speech, diacritical markings to be stapled to test

7. OFF TRACK work to be assigned first week in December

8. Cliffs AP Preparation Guide due in class Tuesday (14) for prose passage multiple-choice practice