In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
1. Final AP Long Form components due Friday, June 6; AP Long Form final draft due 6/12
2. Bedford Reader textbook due in class all week
3. Field Trip slips issued for MWD trip; all trip slips due no later than Friday 6/6
4. Vocabulary book required in class for Unit Fifteen, which will be completed in class
1. Vocabulary Unit Fifteen test scheduled for Wednesday; attach proof of work
2. Bedford Reader textbook due in class all week
3. Triad defenses of thesis must be finished by Friday, June 6
1. Bedford Reader textbook due in class all week
2. Triad defenses of thesis in class
3. Writer's Choice and tone assignment in class
1. Bedford Reader textbook due in class all week
2. Triad defenses of thesis in class
1. Field trip slips due no later than today
2. Bedford Reader textbook due in class all week
3. Invisible Man novels returned to class so they can be returned to textbook room
4. Weekend homework to be announced
5. Triad defenses of thesis must be completed by today