Sunday, February 22, 2009

STUDYPATH* February 23-27, 2009

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


1. Unit Ten Vocabulary test rescheduled to tomorrow
2. Unit Eleven Vocabulary answers due Friday; test Monday
3. Letter to the editor due today
4. Textbook Days: Bedford Reader and Language of Composition Wednesday-Thursday

Tuesday (Shortened Day)

1. Unit Ten Vocabulary test today
2. AP Preparation Week scheduled for next week
3. Multiple-choice practice for the AP Exam
4. Invisible Man Chapters 21-25 and Epilogue talking points due Friday


1. Bedford Reader and Language of Composition assignments
2. Multiple-choice practice for the AP Exam


1. Bedford Reader and Language of Composition assignments
2. Letter to the editor scheduled; due Monday


1. Weekend homework to be announced
2. Multiple-choice practice for the AP Exam
3. Invisible Man Chapters 21-25 and Epilogue talking points due today for class discussion