Saturday, January 23, 2010

STUDYPATH* January 25-29, 2010

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


Invisible Man dialectical journals for Chapters Six-Ten continues in class today. Journal entries (no staples, must be typed) for Chapters Eleven-Fifteen (two entries per chapter) are due Friday. The essay on the book (trace a motif throughout the novel) is scheduled at the end of class discussions; a specific date will be announced.

Bring Language of Composition and Bedford Reader textbooks both Monday and Tuesday for reading selection assignments. The three questions for the shorter Kincaid piece are due today; the longer Kincaid selection will be assigned today in class with a due date to be set.

Water Case Three class activity is scheduled for Wednesday.

Unit Seven Vocabulary Workshop is due Thursday with the test to be scheduled. Writer's Choice textbooks are required for grammar assignment.

In-class multiple choice work continues for preparation for the upcoming AP English Language examination.

Check blog Sunday evening for any updates to this post.