In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
Their Eyes Were Watching God film screening continues in class today; responses for the TEWWG AP multiple choice questions are due today.
Bedford Reader is not due today; books are required tomorrow, Tuesday.
Unit Four Vocabulary Workshop answers are due today; test is scheduled for Wednesday.
Five Steps to a Five writing and multiple choice skills are scheduled in class today.
Bedford Reader textbook is required in class today for review of literary terms Forty-One to Fifty and the next method writing assignment.
LA Times letter to the editor assignment is scheduled today; responses are due Friday.
Unit Four Vocabulary Workshop test is scheduled for today.
Five Steps to a Five Minow essay is reviewed; students will write in-class timed essay tomorrow.
Handouts for AP SOAP and stem and distractors provided last Thursday will be discussed in class prior to the Minow essay.
Newton Minow essay is scheduled as an in-class timed writing assignment.
The Great Gatsby novels are assigned to students; talking points for Chapters One-Five are due Friday, November 12; class discussion is scheduled for today.
Weekend homework is announced, including the next Bedford Reader section to be outlined; due date will be set in class.
Everything's An Argument and Five Steps to a Five reading and writing assignments are scheduled in class today.
LA Times letter to the editor writing assignment is due today.