Monday, May 28, 2012

STUDYPATH* May 28-June 1, 2012

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


Today is Memorial Day, a legal holiday, and classes are not in session

Dialectical journals for The Awakening Chapters One-Thirteen are due today; a journal is required for each three chapters of the novel--journals for Chapters Fourteen to Twenty-Six are required Monday, June 4
USA Today letter to the editor is due today
Precis for research paper is discussed in class and due Friday
Cover pages and outlines for research paper are attached to PDF copies in class
Water Cases Four-Ten will be discussed and reviewed in class during this week
RETURN Writer's Choice and Bedford Reader to class for return of books to textbook room

Competition presentations for the Junior Defense of Thesis at Metropolitan Water District continue in class today and tomorrow

Field trip slips, video release forms, and teacher notification forms are due today; no extensions may be granted since the field trip completed list must be submitted to the School for Advanced Studies office by the end of the day
USA Today letter to the editor is assigned and due Monday

The Awakening class discussion on Chapters One-Thirteen is scheduled for today; books are required in class
Research paper precis is due today