Saturday, May 25, 2013

STUDYPATH* May 27-31, 2013

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up

Monday is Memorial Day, a legal holiday, and classes are not in session

Dickinson poetry interpretation, explication and analysis is scheduled; student-chosen poem selected is interpreted, explicated and analyzed in class

Literary terms are scheduled (anaphora, anthropomorphism, antithesis, begging the question, chiasmus, denouement, epistrophe, homograph, homomyn, homophone, in media res, modernism, motif, naturalism, non sequitur, parallelism, procatalepsis, slippery slope, understatement, zeugma)

Return all textbooks to classroom

Preparation for final examination is scheduled