Saturday, August 10, 2013

STUDYPATH* Opening Week August 13-16, 2013

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up

Rodriguez prompt prewriting due Thursday
Summer work assignment free response papers and multiple choice responses due Friday
Turn It In account verification required by Friday
AP English Language Opening Days Bulletin signed and returned by Monday (on Box)
Words High School Students Should Know (WHSSSK) 1-10 due Monday
  • WHSSSK components: definition, diacritical marking, syllable divide, part of speech
"What AP Readers Long To See" reviewed in class
General AP English Language paper rubric reviewed in class
AP syllabus overview (syllabus on Box) and course orientation components:
  1. Logical fallacies
  2. Argument structures
  3. Multiple choice passages, stems and distractors
  4. Useful literary terms and rhetorical devices
  5. Useful vocabulary and diction
  6. Fiction and universal themes
  7. Syntax and sentence types
  8. Synthesis and sources, analysis and argument prose responses
  9. Style (tone, diction and syntax) prose responses  
  10. Outlining style and format
  11. Response to columnist analysis
  12. Research and oral defense of thesis
AP syllabus overview and course orientation components (continued from Tuesday)
Multiple choice prose passage, stems, and distractors practice; "Death of the Moth" Virginia Woolf
Journal: Introduction to the Types of Sentences in Advanced Placement prose assignment
  1. Simple
  2. Compound
  3. Complex
  4. Compound-Complex
  5. Periodic
  6. Cumulative (Loose)
  7. Balanced
  8. Interrupted
Rodriguez prompt prewriting due today
Turn It In account verification due tomorrow
Summer work assignment due tomorrow free response papers and multiple choice responses

AP Opening Days Bulletin due Monday signed by student and parent
Journal: Introduction to Advanced Placement Literary terms and rhetorical devices
Synthesis Paper sources and prompt distributed; prewriting due Tuesday
Check STUDYPATH for next week's assignments and class information