Sunday, March 02, 2014

STUDYPATH* March 3-7, 2014

For additions and corrections, e-mail
In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up

Bedford Reader is required in class today and tomorrow (except for Period Six) for literary terms and rhetorical devices
Vocabulary Workshop responses for Unit Six are due Friday
Acceptable Use Policy library forms are due Friday for selected students
Responses for Sherman Alexie's "Superman and Me" are due tomorrow (pages 110-112, questions 1-8)
American literature selections for all three classes are due today (Period One-Lincoln; Period Three-Whitman; Period Six-Jefferson)

Period Six does not meet today
"Superman and Me" responses are due (Period Six must submit this assignment on time)

Water Cases Two and Three are scored in class; orientation for the Online Writing Lab Modern Language Association formatting for research papers is scheduled
Preliminary working outline for water conservation Junior Defense of Thesis paper is due; use outline format provided and submit two thumbnails with caption and credit underneath graphic or photo
Period One only: Research paper test responses are due today; when handouts are returned Period Three will complete the responses by Monday

In-class timed writing is scheduled

Vocabulary Workshop Unit Six responses are due today
Period Six only:  Vocabulary Workshop Unit Six responses are due
Invisible Man class discussion continues for Chapters Twenty-One to Epilog; novels are required in class
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for next week's assignments and class information