Saturday, October 10, 2009

STUDYPATH* October 12-16, 2009

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


Unit III Vocabulary test will be administered on Monday; the Unit 1-III vocabulary exercises will be assigned and due on Monday, October 19 for a cumulative exam to be scheduled. Books are due in class on Thursday for this cumulative review assignment.

Bedford Reader is required for classes on Monday-Tuesday; Period Three will take the literary terms test on Tuesday that was scheduled for last Friday. The outline for Part III of Bedford Reader will be due on Tuesday, October 20. An initial nonfiction selection from either Bedford Reader or Language of Composition will be covered in class early in the week.

Talking points for Chapters Eleven-Fifteen of Their Eyes Were Watching God are due on Friday for our usual class discussion; those students who did not earn discussion points last week will be given an opportunity on Monday as we finish up Chapters Six-Ten.

Writer's Choice textbooks are due in class on Wednesday for grammar review.

The next AP Essay, featuring prompt and passage from writer James Baldwin, will be scheduled this week. Prewriting will be assigned and then collected; students will compose the essay on a date to be announced and use the prewriting that was completed for their analysis essay.

Cornell Notes recorded during the first week of school will be reviewed and a Cornell Notes Quiz will be scheduled in class.

Check teacher pages on the web site for additional information.